So a common web site misconception is that web site photos need to be 72 dpi (dots per inch) for fast loading and to make sure they don’t take up much space.  Yes that fact is true but not at the price of sacrificing a lot of clarity.  If you want to make the maximum...
You Don’t Need a Tripod for Great Night Photos

You Don’t Need a Tripod for Great Night Photos

My favorite shots to shoot are night time exposures. Extreme contrasts, vibrant electric lights, dramatic darks and lights… there is nothing like a great night time exposure photo. But what if the shot you can see is a spontaneous moment and you don’t have a tripod?...
How to Capture an Actual Lightning Strike

How to Capture an Actual Lightning Strike

It was a hot, summer night last July in New Jersey.  I needed a creative challenge, so I made my own photographic challenge.  I heard the accu-weather forecast which said the weather was supposed to get very stormy in New York with a high chance of lighting and...
New Photography Can Mean New Business

New Photography Can Mean New Business

When you started your company, you commissioned a photographer to shoot custom photos or you chose stock photography for your brochure or website. In the early days, the photography looked very good, but as your business has grown have your photos lost their fresh new...
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